2024 International Conference on Digital Economy and Marxist Economics (ICDEME 2024)
Call For Papers
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Call For Papers

2024 International Conference on Digital Economy and Marxist Economics(ICDEME2024)  will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Track 1: Digital Economy and Capitalist Dynamics

· The Impact of Digital Platforms on Labor Markets

· Capital Accumulation in the Age of Big Data

· Virtual Economies and Cryptocurrency: A Marxist Perspective

· Digital Monopolies and Market Concentration

· The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Production and Labor

· E-commerce and Consumer Behavior in Digital Capitalism

· Digital Finance and Fintech Transformations

· Blockchain Technology and Its Economic Implications

· The Gig Economy and Precarious Work

· Data Commodification and Surveillance Capitalism

· Digital Divide and Economic Inequality

· Global Supply Chains and Digital Trade

· Technological Innovation and Creative Destruction

· Algorithmic Management and Workplace Control

· The Political Economy of Digital Advertising

Track 2: Marxist Economics and Theories in the Digital Age

· Reinterpreting Marxist Economic Theories for the Digital Era

· The Role of Labor in Digital Production Processes

· Class Struggle and Digital Workspaces

· Marxist Critiques of Digital Financialization

· Value Creation and Extraction in the Digital Economy

· The Relevance of Das Kapital in Understanding Digital Markets

· Alienation and Digital Labor

· Commodity Fetishism in the Age of Social Media

· Digital Economy and Crisis Theory

· Automation and the Future of Work from a Marxist Lens

· The Base-Superstructure Model in Digital Society

· Contradictions of Capitalism in the Digital Age

· Digital Marxism and Historical Materialism

· Surveillance, Power, and Ideology in Digital Economies

· Ecological Implications of Digital Capitalism